Service of punching, forming and shaping for sheet metal. METAL-LÒGIC has machinery with CNC control and CAD / CAM programming for punching and shearing processes in order to offer a quality product with the shortest response time. We have capacity for sheet punching up to 7000mm long and 1500mm wide, up to 4mm in thickness.
With a machinery park of up to 4 punching machines, two of them of CNC offer service of stamping, forming and shaping with thicknesses of up to 5mm in carbon steel and stainless steel.
Ventilation windows and non-slip profiles
Thanks to a total of 4 punching machines of different capacities and speeds, as well as a wide array of dies, we can carry out custom work according to customer specifications.
High punching speed
The combination of the punching machine with shears, together with an automatic loading and unloading system, allows for high speeds of execution.
Budget service without obligation
The budgeting speed will be higher if you send us geometries and features apart!